Mental Health Issues

What is low mood?

It is natural for our moods and emotions to shift and change regularly. Feelings of sadness, anxiety, fear, confusion and loneliness are all a part of human life.

However, sometimes you can find yourself with more lasting feelings of hopelessness and despair. This might be triggered by an upsetting life event like a job loss, illness or bereavement. At other times, the causes are less clear and might be due to unresolved issues in your childhood or past. Whatever the cause, low mood (sometimes known as depression) can be distressing, debilitating and isolating. What’s more, people suffering from it can sometimes feel as if they are ‘beyond help’, making it harder for them to reach out to others.

Depression can be mild, moderate or severe, but all types can benefit from support. It is almost always linked to low self-esteem and negative thoughts about yourself. Depression can also be seen as anger that has been turned inward against the self, rather than being outwardly expressed.

There are various types of low mood, including:

Postnatal depression
This is a distressing issue that women can experience after giving birth. It is partly linked to hormonal changes and partly due to the huge life shift into motherhood.

Paternal postnatal depression
This is similar to postnatal depression but is experienced by men after becoming fathers. It can be caused by the sudden identity shift into parenthood, feelings of being ‘left out’ after their partner becomes a mother and changes in the relationship itself.

Seasonal affective disorder (SAD)
This type of low mood affects people cyclically in the autumn and winter months. It is partly due to changes in your biological clock and partly due to biochemical shifts related to a lack of sunlight.

Thankfully, the right therapy can help with all types of low mood and depression. A therapist can help you to identify the causes, manage day-to-day symptoms and eventually, find joy, satisfaction and meaning in life again.

Signs of low mood

  • Feelings of hopelessness
  • Numbness
  • Tearfulness
  • Agitation
  • Lack of motivation/Listlessness
  • Loss of interest in activities and hobbies
  • Withdrawing from socialising
  • Sleep issues
  • Lack of appetite or eating more than usual
  • Suicidal thoughts

Help with low mood

These therapies have been shown to be effective with depression and low mood: CBT, ACT, CFT, Mindfulness, Psychodynamic Therapy, Schema Therapy, Art Therapy, EMDR, DBT, Body-Focused Therapy.

Your next step

Need confidential help with depression or low mood? Our compassionate and expert team of psychologists and psychotherapists are here for you. Why not book an in-person, video or live chat appointment today?

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